Page 5 - More_Magazine_Issue4
P. 5

For nonprofit organizations,                    doubled the number of alumni donating to       Breathe
      fundraising is their lifeblood.           the school and added many new names to         new life
      But what happens when                     its database for the subsequent year.          into your
your fundraising goes flat?                     3. Create custom gifts.                        efforts!
How do you breathe new life
into existing efforts? Here are                 One nonprofit children’s organization        were encouraged to visit a personalized
five ways that real nonprofits                  funds itself through sales of custom note    URL, provide feedback, and begin a dialog
have kicked it up a notch.                      cards and merchandise. Previously, it had    with the organization. It worked — 6% of
                                                produced its custom cards by imprinting      recipients logged into their personalized
                                                on offset printed shells but knew it was     URLs and 90% of those completed the
                                                                                             survey. The dialog had begun!
1. Personalize the content.                     leaving money on the table through
                                                unsold inventory, high error rates in        5. Develop ideal donor
                                                                                             profiles and clone your list.
When one historical museum found                order processing, and slow turnarounds.
                                                                                             What if everything you are doing is
its fundraising going flat, it decided                    It switched to an online           working . . . you just need more of it? You
                                                                                             create a demographic and psychographic
to test personalized communications                       catalog powered by a               profile of your best donors, then go out
                                                                                             and find new donors just like them. One
versus nonpersonalized                                    Web-to-print solution.
                                                                                                                cultural museum did just
communications. It found                                  This gave customers more                              this. It asked a third-party
                                                                                                                provider to analyze its
that by personalizing                                     choices, faster “cards in                             donor base to determine
                                                                                                                what characteristics to
elements of its donor                           hand,” and the ability to fully personalize                     look for in potential
                                                                                             prospects. It then launched a direct mail
newsletter, it achieved                         their products, while reducing the           campaign to reach lapsed and prospective
                                                                                             donors. The museum achieved a 10%
a 30% lift in response rates from active        organization’s error rate at the same time.  to 15% lift in donation amounts compared
                                                                                             to the previous year.
members and 25% from sustaining                 The results? Higher revenues and more        Are any of these strategies speaking
                                                                                             to you? If so, talk with us about putting
members (regular, automatic gifts).             profits!                                                   them into action to increase
                                                                                                           your donor base and
Personalization was fairly simple (recipient’s                                                             revenues from your
                                                                                                           fundraising drives.
name, state, the number of charter              4. Look for areas of
members in that state, and prefilled forms),    disconnect.                                                         CASKEY GROUP ■ 5
but it was highly effective.
                                                Based on a review of the giving history

2. Create a little                              of previous donors, one donor-funded
competition.                                    educational organization discovered a
                                                disconnect with its donor base. Donors

When it was time for its                                  didn’t understand its

annual donation drive,                                    mission or the benefits it

one university decided to                                 provided. So it launched

create a little competition.                              a direct mail campaign to

It used personalized                                      reconnect with donors,

direct mail and email to invite alumni to a educate them about the value of its

Facebook party where they could interact services, and get them back on board with

with other graduates and their favorite         its mission. As part of this effort, donors

professors. There was a

soft push to give, and the

class with the highest

donation levels won a free

happy hour. The college

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